Parcel #29 is the Nicholdale Farm property - the most accessible of the Land Trust properties. It is located on the south side of Conn. Route 110 (Leavenworth Road) about 4 miles northeast of downtown Shelton in the center of a valley that retains its rural character. There are two parking areas a little east of the corner of Nicholdale Road and Rt. 110. The one closest to Nicholdale includes an information board with a map of the property.
The property consists of three parcels totaling over 60 acres. #29 at 44.87 acres was the first to be acquired in 1991. The other two of 12.65 acres and 3 acres were part of the original Nicholdale Farm property but were included in the Land Trust holdings at later dates. The property has developed hiking trails, a camping area for use by local scouts, a small stream and several other intermittent springs and water courses. The land is home to local wildlife including deer, wild turkey, cottontail rabbits, fox, squirrel, woodchuck, pheasant, and red tail hawk to name a few. Many small year round and seasonal resident birds are also found on the property. The former pasture lands and hay fields that comprised much of the original area are in various states of reforestation. A walk around the property takes one through almost all the stages of secession that mark the transitions from open fields to mature woodlands. For more information on the trails and features of this property visit the Shelton Trails website Nicholdale Farm page. View the detail and trail map.