shelton land trust logo Shelton
Land Conservation
Trust, Inc.

End of Barbara Drive
Acquired in 1979 - 7.2 Acres

Deed Record - Volume 450 Page 334 
Map #64 Lot 112

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All that certain piece or parcel of land situated in the City of Shelton, County of Fairfield and State of Connecticut, containing 7.2 acres, plus or minus, designated "open space" on a map entitled, "Ivy Lnae Estates, Inc., Shelton, Connecticut, March 17, 1978, revised through June 13, 1978" being more particularly described as follows:

Commencing at the Southeast corner of land owned by now or formerly Shelton Land Conservation TRST, Inc. Thence proceeding Westerly along land owned by now or formerly of M. & C. Wieziolowski, Barbara Drive, and land owned by J. & A. Wipneca, each in part, 590 feet, plus or minus.

Thence proceeding Northerly, Northeasterly and Southeasterly through land of Ivy Lane Wstates, Inc., the following courses: N 00-33' -10" W a distance of 224.97 feet; N 56-03' -45" E a distance of 611.88 feet; S 53-52' - 45 E a distance of 319.30 feet.

Thence proceeding Southwesterly along land owned by now or formerly Shelton Land Conservation TRST, Inc., W. F. Healey oand H. Gazer, and Shelton Land Conservation TRST, Inc., each in part, 520 feet, plus or minus, to point and place beginning.

Subject to a 30 foot sanitary easement to the City of Shelton alon the Easterly boundary of the herein described parce.

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PO Box 2276 - Huntington Station
Shelton, CT 06484

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